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Thirty-nine delightful bedrooms and a modern spa housed in one of England's oldest coaching inns

Country inn, charming restaurant, gin bar with courtyard, open fires, sun-drenched terrace, bright conservatory, award-winning spa, indoor swimming pool, nooks and crannies.

A brief history

The history of The Spread Eagle Hotel is a living history of England. It is a story shaped by the people who have slept beneath our ancient (and uneven) roofs - royalty, the nobility, the famous and the infamous - for nearly six centuries. As our guest today, you too have become a part of this story.

In times of war, peace, feast and famine, The Spread Eagle has been a comforting constant - offering the warmest of welcomes in the heart of the Sussex Downs.

1430 - The traditional date of the building that forms the oldest part of the hotel

1533 - The building was bought by Sir William Fitzwilliam, Henry VIII's Lord High Admiral

1730 - The Spread Eagle Inn is valued at £400 by the Sun Insurance Company

1791-1798 - Admiral Lord Nelson visited the hotel during this period

1832 - The town's principal stagecoach, The Earl of March, left the Spread Eagle for London every morning, except Sunday, at 10.00am

1907 - A motor garage opened at the hotel

2017 - The hotel celebrates 60 years of ownership by the same family

Please ask any member of our team and we would be delighted to show you some of the key historical points around the hotel or send through further information.

the Spread Eagle of Midhurst, that oldest and most revered of all the prime inns of this world ...

Hilaire Belloc

Dogs at The Spread Eagle

Bring your dog with you, as they too are warmly invited to enjoy the comfort of The Spread Eagle.

We are an entirely dog friendly hotel where your canine companion is welcomed just as much as you are. Dogs can look forward to plenty of treats and cuddles.

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Families at The Spread Eagle

Families are very welcome at The Spread Eagle where you can relax and enjoy your visit, safe in the knowledge we've been welcoming all ages since 1430!

Discover our walking and cycling trails around the South Downs National Park, explore the Cowdray ruins and of course swim above a golden eagle.

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