Developed in collaboration with renowned Holistic Wellness Coach and Facialist, Katie Light, whose unique approach and 25 years' experience in the health and wellness industry, have secured her amongst the top therapists in the world.
These new treatments are based around Katie's exclusive therapy: 'The Light Technique' a therapy that addresses both the physical and emotional issues that affect our wellbeing. Using a combination of dynamic massage techniques, Reiki* and proven therapies, these treatments are designed to make you positive, energised and focused.
*Reiki (meaning spiritual energy), is a renowned Japanese therapy that focuses on releasing and shifting blocked energy within your body, emotions, mind and spirit. It is a gentle therapy in which your therapist will place their hands lightly on or over your body, using non-intrusive movements to restore and balance your energy flow to areas of the body that are lacking. It brings about a feeling of deep relaxation and peace.
Research consistently demonstrates the huge raft of health benefits attributed to taking time out to 'float'. Our Isopod creates an environment similar to the Dead Sea - enabling you to float effortlessly, relaxing every single muscle in your body whilst you enjoy a feeling of weightlessness and peace. Simply put, floating calms our overly stimulated systems and restores the body's chemical and metabolic balance.