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Friday 21st June 2024: Live Music from Mitchell Kersley & The Colt 45

Join us for a fabulous Friday evening, with Mitchell Kersley & The Colt 45 from 7.30pm

Cast aside what you thought you knew about Country/Americana music and find yourself contentedly adrift upon a transatlantic twist on a classic American sound. Mitchell Kersley is a Country artist from the UK, who through his music, provides a modern take on traditional storytelling.

He was born and raised in the British countryside and was exposed to variety of genres of music. However, as he got older, his musical taste began to gravitate predominantly to one genre in particular: Country.

As soon as he was big enough to hold a guitar, he began learning and writing songs. In his teens, he dedicated his time to the study of music at both College and University. It was here after that he really honed in on his brand of Country sound.

Pre-booking in The Ryebank is essential - please click here to book your table

(no need to book for the bar)